IPv4 Looking Glass Sites, listed by ASN. (An IPv6 Looking Glasses page is also available.)

If you know of a working IPv4 Looking Glass site that isn't listed below, feel free to add it. (Don't have a wiki account yet? Sign up here.)Please only add sites that are true BGP looking glasses - pages that only allow ping and/or traceroute should not be included in this list.

Please correct any errors you find in this list. If a site is no longer responding, please change the “OK” in the Notes column to “FAILED” along with the date (mm/dd/yy). If the site becomes operational again, please change the “FAILED” message back to “OK”. If a site has been in “FAILED” status for over a month, it can be removed from the wiki.

Use the http://www.bgp4.net/lg URL if you wish to link to this page.

ASN ProviderLink Notes
378 ILANhttps://lg.iucc.ac.il/ OK
513 CERNhttp://lg.cern.ch/ OK
553 BelWuehttps://www.belwue.de/tools/route-server-looking-glass.html OK
559 SWITCHhttp://lg.lan.switch.ch/lg/lg.cgi OK
680 DFNhttp://www.noc.dfn.de/lg/ OK
720 Cogenthttp://www.cogentco.com/en/network/looking-glass OK
766 RedIRIShttp://www.rediris.es/red/lg/ OK
852 Telushttp://aurora.on.tac.net/ OK
1239 SprintLinkhttps://www.sprint.net/lg/ OK
1299 TeliaSonerahttp://lg.telia.net/ OK
1653 SUNEThttps://lookingglass.sunet.se/lg.cgi OK
1759 Telia Finlandhttp://lg.telia.net/ OK
2110 EsatBThttp://lg.as2110.net OK
2854 Orange Business Services Russiahttp://lg.gin.ru/ OK
3216 Golden Telecom Russiahttp://lg.gldn.net/ OK
3249 Telia Eestihttp://lg.telia.net/ OK
3301 Telia Sverigehttp://lg.telia.net/ OK
3308 Telia Danmarkhttps://lg.telia.net/ OK
4802 iiNethttp://looking-glass.iinet.net.au/lg/ OK
5056 netINShttp://rr.netins.net/lg/lg.cgi OK
5400 BT - British Telecomhttp://lg.bt.net/ OK
5617 TPNEThttp://lg.tpnet.pl/ OK
6373 Opus Onehttp://www.opus1.com/www/looking.html OK
6453 Teleglobehttp://lg.teleglobe.net/ OK
6461 Zayohttp://lg.zayo.com/lg.cgi OK
6695 DE-CIXhttp://lg.de-cix.net/ OK
6730 Sunrisehttp://debby.sunrise.ch/lg/lg.cgi.html OK
6762 Seabonehttps://gambadilegno.noc.seabone.net/lg/ OK
6939 Hurricane Electrichttp://lg.he.net/ OK
8218 Zayo Francehttp://lg.as8218.eu OK
8331 RiNethttp://lg.rinet.ru/ OK
8365 MANDAhttp://lg.man-da.de/ OK
8400 Telekom Srbijahttp://lg.telekom.rs/ OK
8422 NetColognehttp://plg.netcologne.de/lg/ OK
8468 Entanethttp://lg.enta.net/ OK
8515 DataForcehttp://lg.df.ru/ OK
8758 Dolphins Network Systemshttp://lookingglass.as8758.net OK
8779 Khmelnitsk Infocomhttp://noc.ic.km.ua/cgi-bin/lg.cgi OK
8837 Telia Carrier IPXhttp://lg.telia.net/ OK
9121 Turk Telekomhttp://lg.turktelekom.com.tr/lg/ OK
9304 Hutchison Global Communicationshttp://lg.ibeo.hgc-intl.com/ OK
9370 Sakura Internethttp://as9370.bgp4.jp/ OK
9607 BroadBand Tower - Japanhttp://lg01.colo01.bbtower.ad.jp/ OK
11260 Eastlinkhttp://lg.eastlink.ca/ OK
12859 Business Internet Trendshttp://lg.bit.nl/ OK
13030 Init Seven AGhttp://www.init7.net/looking-glass/ OK
15474 RHnet - Iceland University Research Networkhttp://www.rhnet.is/cgi-bin/nlg/lg.cgi OK
15968 Netpilothttp://noc.netpilot.net/cgi-bin/lg/lg.pl OK
16265 LeaseWebhttps://lg.leasewebstatus.com/ OK
20853 Etop/ DataHouse.plhttp://lg.etop.pl/ OK
25400 Telia Norgehttp://lg.telia.net/ OK
25409 AlsysNethttp://lg.alsysdata.net OK
25462 ReTNhttp://lg.retn.net/ OK
28809 Nauka-Svyazhttp://lg.naukanet.ru/ OK
29305 OF.PL Polandhttp://lg.of.pl/ OK
29686 Probe Networkshttp://probe-networks.de/lg/ OK
31554 RomNet altFELhttp://lg.romnet.org OK
33843 interscholz Internet Serviceshttp://noc.interscholz.net/lg/ OK
41095 IPTP Networkshttps://www.iptp.net/en_US/iptp-tools/lg/ OK
50300 Custodian Data Centrehttp://lg.custdc.net/ OK
62563 GTHosthttps://gthost.com/looking-glass/ OK

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